Water Quality Professional Certificate Training 2012

Activity Details

Any time

Registration is currently closed

Contact Information

305-246-7001 x288
Tropical Research and Education Center
Homestead, Florida

This professional training is offered through the University of Florida distance education program - e-Learning in Sakai. The training is based on a week-long course held at the Tropical Research and Education Center in Homestead, Florida, in 2011. The intended audience is professionals in the field of water resources who would like to learn more about water quality sampling, analyses, and cutting-edge concepts.

The training includes expertise from the University of Florida (UF) as well as other agencies. The course is to be completed within 1 month time. The course includes 6 modules (introduction to water quality, surface water, groundwater and pore water, water quality sample analysis, water quality data analysis, and emerging areas). Each module includes multiple lessons that consists of video presentations and video demonstrations. An assessment of learning is given after each module and a certificate is provided indicating successful completion of the training for those scoring an average greater than 70% for the assessments.

This course is based on the book ' Water Quality Concepts, Sampling, and Analyses' 2010 CRC Press.

More information about the course is available at: http://trec.ifas.ufl.edu/kwm/wqt.shtml

This training is now open for UF faculty and students at no cost. To register as UF faculty or as a UF student, please contact Dr. Kati Migliaccio (klwhite@ufl.edu) or Dr. Yuncong Li (yunli@ufl.edu).

Registration is currently closed