Marine Mammal Biology

Activity Details

2023 Mar Mam Bio

Registration is currently closed

Contact Information

Large Animal Clinical Sciences
University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida 32610-0136

You are about to register for a Continuing Education Course for which there is no academic credit awarded.  After successfully completing the course, you will be mailed a Certificate of Completion.

This class begins Monday January 9th and runs through Wednesday April 26th.  Your access will begin on January  9th at 8:00 am through:

Marine Mammal Biology is an online graduate level course that will provide graduate students with a detailed overview of marine mammal species including cetaceans, sirenians, pinnipeds, mustelids, and ursids. Each module will broadly explore a particular ecological, biological, or physiological theme related to the study of marine mammals, including taxonomy and biodiversity, diving physiology, thermoregulation, foraging ecology, and reproduction as well as the many conservation and management issues faced by different marine mammal species. For more information about this course please visit the course webpage:

Registration is currently closed