This course was designed to prepare students and practicing pharmacists to be successful on the Florida version of the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE). The course provides a lecture-based overview of Federal and Florida laws involving the practice of pharmacy and the use of medications. Instruction is structured around a series of multiple-choice questions, which are similar in design to typical MPJE questions. Students test their knowledge by informally and privately answering these questions, thus simulating the MPJE test experience. Following each question, the correct answer is given, and lecture then focuses on the rationale for each response and an explanation of the law on that point. Students are free to print the all lecture materials for their own use, but may not share them with others.
Since more than half of the MPJE questions have typically focused on controlled substance medications, the review will focus on the federal Controlled Substances Act, DEA regulations, and associated Florida laws. The federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act and its amendments, and accompanying FDA regulations are also discussed. Recent changes to federal law (e.g., the Compounding Quality Act, FDA Safety & Innovation Act of 2012, etc.) and state laws (e.g., pharmacist to intern ratio, etc.) will also be reviewed.
The UF Pharmacy Law Exam Review course is a non-credit course open to all individuals preparing to take the Florida MPJE. The six-hour course consists of audio-recorded lectures with PowerPoint presentations. Students may stop and start the recording as they like, and may access the materials as many times as they like up until the site is disabled on 4/30/18.
Please note that this course is intended as a self-contained study aid. The instructor cannot provide legal counsel to you, and cannot respond to questions.