Predicting Simulated Driving Performance in Teens with ADHD/ASD

Activity Details

Predicting Simulated Driving Performance - $60
Any time

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Contact Information

1225 Center Drive
Gainesville, Florida 32611

In this course, the authors introduce the crash statistics and characteristics of teens in general, as well as those with ADHD and ASD. Using clinical tests, driving performance videos of teens in a driving simulator, and statistical analysis, the authors propose indicators of readiness to drive for teens at large, and for those with ADHD and/or ASD.

Target Audience:

This course is well-suited for occupational therapists and certified driving rehabilitation specialists with a special interest in teen pre-drivers, including teens with ADHD and ASD.

Educational Level

Intermediate.  Information is geared to practitioners with a general working knowledge of current practice trends and literature related to the subject matter. Focus is on increasing understanding and competent application of the subject matter.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify crash risks for teens.
  • Recognize the characteristics of ADHD and ASD and how they may potentially impact driving performance.
  • Grasp the clinical battery of tests used to identify the underlying cognitive, visual, visual-perceptual, and motor performance deficits associated with the diagnostic groups.
  • Realize that group differences (healthy controls vs. diagnostic groups) occur on the level of demographic factors, clinical tests, and type and number of driving errors made in a driving simulator.
  • Conceptualize the correlations between clinical tests and driving errors in both groups (healthy controls vs. diagnostic groups).
  • Understand why some clinical tests are better predictors than others in helping identify driving errors in teens with ADHD/ASD.
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